How to manage invoice visibility for vendors?

In this article, you will learn how to manage invoice visibility for your vendors. 

An invoice is a document or bill sent by Marketcube to the Operator and Vendor. Invoices itemize the transaction and include payment amounts and terms. Invoices are a written agreement verifying the exchange between the Operator and Vendor, which establishes an obligation to pay on the part of the Operator. Invoices are often referred to as “sales invoices”, “bills”, or “statements”.

As a Marketplace operator, you can control the visibility of the payment invoices from your vendors. By default, the payment invoice is enabled for all the vendors but if you do not want your vendors to see the payment invoice of the orders then you can disable it for selected or all your vendors. By doing this they will not be able to see the payment invoice of the orders in the payment section of their account.

In order to manage the visibility follow the below steps.

1.  Log into your Marketcube account >> Click on the Settings Icon.

2. Navigate to Payments >> Click on Manage Invoice Visibility. 

3. Under Manage Invoice click on Show to view the visibility options.

There you will see three options:

1. Enable invoice for all vendors:  This will allow you to enable the payments invoice for all of your vendors. By default, the payment invoice is enabled for all the vendors.

2.  Disable invoice for all vendors: This will allow you to disable the payments invoice for all of your vendors. Once disabled the vendors will not be able to see the invoice for the orders under the payments section.

3. Disable invoice for selected vendors: This will allow you to disable the payments invoice for selected vendors. Once disabled the selected vendors will not be able to see the invoice for the orders under the payments section.


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