What is Product Attachment?
A Product attachment is an attachment added on the product form which allows an attachment in the form of pictures to be available with products on store.Operator/vendors can use this functionality for physical as well as digital products in order to add an attachment. This attachment will also be visible on the frontend store so that the user can view it before purchasing.
An Amazon S3 bucket is a public cloud storage resource available in Amazon Web Service ( AWS) Simple Storage Service ( S3), an object storage offering. The operator will have to purchase the amazon storage space so that it is more secure for him/her. This feature is accessible on Marketcube Pro Plan. Once the user has this S3 bucket, they will have to follow the steps below to enable products attachment:
1. Log in to the Operators account >> Click on the Settings Icon.
2. Navigate to Products >> Click Show >> Click Product Attachment Settings.3. Add the S3 Bucket Name, Access Key, and Secret Key and >> Click on Submit.
Once these settings are saved, operators and vendors will get the attachment part enabled in the product's form.
4. Click on the Products tab >> Select an existing product to add an attachment to it. >> Click Manage >> Click Edit.
You can also refer to our article on how to add products using a form or how to edit a product to add an attachment in the product.5. On product form, Navigated to the Attachments tab, and you will able to upload a file as product attachment.Click Add file >> Select the file you wish to attach. >> Click Submit.
Key Points to Remember:
- If the S3 bucket is not connected to the Marketcube platform then the user will not be able to upload the attachment in the product form.
- Operator will have to pay for the amazon or any other cloud storage space.
- Supported file format for products attachment: ".bmp", ".gif", ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".svg", ".vnd", "webp", "ico".
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