Product Shipping Status for physical and non physical products

In this article we will explain what product shipping status is and how to set it up.
Product shipping status refers to whether a product can or cannot be shipped and is dependent on whether the product is a physical or non physical. If a product is in a physical state operators and vendors can ship this product, if the product is non physical  shipping will not be calculated at the point of checkout and all rules, bands and offers will become useless in such cases.

 While creating a new product, vendors can mark the product as physical or the operator has an option to mark the product as physical globally for all vendors. Once a product has been marked as physical, it will be available for shipping calculation. If the operator marks the product as non Physical shipping calculations will not be applied.

How to set Product shipping Status for all products:

1. Click on the Settings Icon >> Click Show for Products >> Click Products Settings.

2.  Select the desired option Mark all the products as physical to enable shipping or Mark all the products as non-physical to disable shipping. >> Click on Update. 

3. This will set the shipping status for all the products to be added or already added by vendors.

Note : While adding product the checkbox " This is a Physical product" will be automatically selected 

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