How to add products in bulk as a vendor
In this article, you will learn how you can bulk add products using our CSV. We provide a sample CSV for you to fill and bulk upload products.
Products are an indispensable part of a marketplace. One of the ways to add a product is by using the product CSV. Operators and vendors both can add the products using a CSV form that contains sections like product title, description, variants, price, etc.
How to add products using the CSV as a vendor:
- Log in as a vendor. >> Click on the Products tab >> Click Add Product.
2. From dropbox click on the Add products in bulk using a CSV.
3. Click Download Sample CSV.
- Please Note: Only the Marketcube Sample CSV will work. Shopify Product CSVs will not work here. Once filled out with your Product details upload the CSV by clicking Add file in >> Click the Upload button.
Once downloaded make sure to fill in all the fields with your product details. To see more details on each CSV section refer to this article.Your Products will be added to your account and depending on your operator's settings might be visible to customers straight away or post their approval.
Product CSV file format
if you choose to create your own CSV you must ensure that the first row of the CSV file includes the same fields headers (as our sample CSV) with all fields in the the same order and each separated by a comma, just like the CSV above demonstrates.
- Handle
Handles are unique names for each product. They can contain letters, dashes, and numbers, but no spaces. A handle is used in the URL for each product. For example, the handle for a "Women's Snowboard" should be womens-snowboard, and the product's URL would be Every line in the CSV that starts with a different handle is treated as a new product. To add multiple images to a product, you should add multiple lines with the same handle.
- Title
The title of your product. Example: Women's Snowboard
- Body (HTML)
The description of the product is in HTML format. This can also be plain text without any formatting.
- Vendor (min. 2 characters)
The name of the vendor for your product. For example, John's Apparel. For Marketcube to process CSV upload correctly you need to ensure the vendor you're uploading products for has been created in your Marketcube marketplace.
- Type
The product type. For example, Snowboard.
- Tags (can be left blank)
A comma-separated list of tags used to tag the product. Most spreadsheet applications automatically add quotes around the tags for you. If you are using a plain text editor, then you need to manually add the quotes. For example, "tag1, tag2, tag3".
- Published
States whether a product is published on your online store. Valid values are TRUE if the product is published on your online store, or FALSE if the product is hidden from your online store. Leaving the field blank will publish the product.
- Option1 Name
If a product has an option, then enter its name. For example, Color. For products with only a single option, this should be set to Title.
- Option1 Value
If a product has an option, then enter its value. For example, Black. For products with only a single option, this should be set to Default Title.
- Option2 Name (can be left blank)
If a product has a second option, then enter its name. For example, Size.
- Option2 Value
If a product has a second option, then enter its value. For example, Large.
- Option3 Name (can be left blank)
If a product has a third option, then enter its name.
- Option3 Value (can be left blank)
If a product has a third option, then enter its value.
- Variant SKU (can be left blank)
The SKU of the product or variant. This is used to track inventory with inventory tracking services. This field can't be left blank if you're using a custom fulfilment service.
- Variant Grams
The weight of the product or variant in grams. Do not specify a unit of measurement or use decimals. For example, for a weight of 5.125 kg, enter 5125. Shopify always imports and exports the weight in grams, even if you specify a different unit. You must use accurate weights if you intend to offer carrier-calculated shipping or use a third-party fulfilment service.
- Variant Inventory Tracker(can be left blank)
Include your inventory tracking for this variant or product. Valid values include Shopify, shipwire, amazon_marketplace_web, or blank if inventory is not tracked.
- Variant Inventory Quantity
The number of items you have in stock of this product or variant.
- Variant Inventory Policy
How to handle orders when inventory level for this product or variant has reached zero. Valid values are denied or continue. deny will stop selling when inventory reaches 0, and continue will allow sales to continue into negative inventory levels.
- Variant Price
The price of the product or variant. Don't place any currency symbol there. For example, 9.99.
- Variant Compare at Price
The "Compare at Price" of the product or variant. Don't place any currency symbol there. For example, 9.99.
- Variant Requires Shipping(blank = FALSE)
The option requires shipping. Valid values are TRUE, FALSE, or blank.
- Variant Taxable (blank = FALSE) Apply taxes to this variant. Valid values are TRUE, FALSE, or blank.
- Variant Barcode (can be left blank)
The barcode, ISBN, or UPC of the product.
- Image Src
Enter the URL for the product image. Shopify downloads the images during the import and re-uploads them into your store. These images are not variant-specific. The variant image column is where you specify variant images. You can't change the image filename after that image has been uploaded to your store. Don't upload images that have _thumb, _small, or _medium suffixes in their names.
- Image Alt Text (can be left blank)
Alt (alternate) text describes an image and is an important part of a product description. If an image can't load for any reason, then alt text is shown instead. It's also used by assistive technology to describe an image to a customer who's visually impaired. Including alt text will boost your website's SEO. Keep your alt text brief and descriptive. The maximum length is 512 characters, but 125 or less is recommended.
- Gift Card
States whether the product is a gift card or not. Valid values are TRUE, or FALSE. The addition of this column also allows you to edit other gift card details, such as the Body or Tags columns, and import these changes. A gift card can be created and activated only in the Shopify admin. You can't initially create a gift card through a product CSV import.
- Variant Image
The URL for images of variants. Variant Weight Unit Valid values are lb, kg, and oz. Variant Tax Code SHOPIFY PLUS The Avalara code to apply taxes to this product. This field applies only when you are importing to or exporting from a store that uses Shopify Plus's integration with Avalara AvaTax.When you create a CSV file by exporting products from a store that uses Avalara, the Variant Tax Code field is populated. If you import this CSV file into a store that doesn't have Avalara set up, then your import will fail.
- Google Shop-Ads, SEO title, etc.
These fields are not mandatory and can be left blank. Only fill these in if you want information for Google feeds and SEO to be populated via CSV upload. If you prefer you can add and edit this information manually for each product afterwards.