How to edit products in bulk using CSV?

In this article you will learn how to use the ”Edit Products” feature and use this feature to edit products in bulk using a single CSV and to add products using the same CSV if needed.

The “Edit Products” feature is used when the operator or the vendor wants to edit/update his available products’ detail(s) and in addition to this if the operator or the vendor wants to add any new product(s) using a single CSV.

How to export/download sample edit product CSV in order to edit products:

As an Operator:

  1. Log into your operator’s Marketcube account >> Go to Products tab and click on the Edit Products button. 

  2. On the Edit Products page, go to Export Product CSV.

  3. In the modal window, (in case you want to export all the available products) select Export All Products. Also, select the date range if you want to export all the products added within the selected date range >> Click Generate

  4. Now, click Select Format >> Select Export as CSV.

  5. If you want to export the selected products, select Export Selected Products and also select the Vendor or Status or combination of both Vendor and Status (by clicking on the check box) on the basis of which you want to export the products. Also select the date range if you want to export the products added within the specific date range, if no date range is selected the report will be exported till the date >> Click Generate >> Click Select Format >> Select Export as CSV.

  6. Now, the products available will be exported and downloaded as CSV.

As a Vendor:

  1. Log into your vendor’s Marketcube account >> Go to Products tab and click on the Edit Products button. 

  2. On the Edit Products page, go to Export Product CSV.

  3. In the modal window, (in case you want to export all the available products) select Export All Products. Also, select the date range if you want to export all the products added within the selected date range >> Click Generate.

  4. Now, click Select Format >> Select Export as CSV.

  5. If you want to export the selected products, select Export Selected Products and also select the Status (by clicking on the check box) on the basis of which you want to export the products. Also select the date range if you want to export the products added within the specific date range, if no date range is selected the report will be exported till the date >> Click Generate >> Click Select Format >> Select Export as CSV.

  6. Now, the products available will be exported and downloaded as CSV.

How to edit products in bulk using a CSV:

  1. Once you have downloaded the edit products CSV, you can edit/ update the details of the products available in the CSV and save it.
  2. Now upload this CSV by clicking on the Add File button and selecting the CSV file name or by dropping this CSV in the “Upload a CSV*” section.

  3. After the the CSV is successfully added, click Upload.

  4. After the successful upload of the CSV, you can review the activity log by clicking on the Review activity logs button.

  5. ow, you will be redirected to the Bulk Edit Activity page and here you can view the status of the products and can view the result by clicking on the View Result.

    Key Points To Remember:

    1. On the basis of the product handle the existing products will be updated/ edited and the new products will be added. If the product handle is not updated, the changes in the product details will be updated but if the product handle is edited or any new product handle is entered, that product will be considered as the new product.

    2.The operator or the vendor cannot edit/update the price of the products.

    3.  In order to add the new product, the operator or the vendor has to enter "Title" in the "Option 1 Name" and "Default Title" in the "Option 1 Value" field of the product. In order to add the price of that product, the operator or the vendor has to enter the desire price of the product in "Variant Price" field of the product.

    4. If the products has been updated/edited by the vendor, the operator has to review and approve the changes as per the operator's settings.

    5. Any information that does match the validation of the product details, then that information or detail will not be updated.

    6. The product cannot be published or unpublished by using this feature.

    7. You cannot update or change the product's vendor by using this feature.

    8. Only those tags, types or collections can be added to the product that are available in the Marketcube.

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